See Our Specialized Mule Delivery System in Action!

Our innovative approach to climate control isn’t the only thing that sets us apart from the competition! In addition to our initial mission to create a better portable storage product, COOL-BINZ set out to make the bin delivery process as simple and stress-free as possible.

Other portable storage companies require the container to be unloaded in a straight line and need a minimum of 30 feet for drop-off placement. This drop-off method requires large amounts of space to park, and can be quite limiting as far as bin placement is concerned.

That’s where our specialized mule delivery system comes in! Our advanced system keeps bins level to avoid shifting of contents, can maneuver bins over construction site terrain, and can even maneuver and park bins in spots as small as parking spaces.

Whereas our competitors deliver their containers using large trucks, COOL-BINZ uses a mule system to help keep property protected and maintain a safer delivery environment. This allows our drivers to walk around the bin as it is delivered and parked, and maneuver it exactly where you need it to be placed using a remote control.

Ready to see our advanced mule delivery system for yourself? Check out the video below!

Need help figuring out which bin is best suited to your needs? Fill out this form and a COOL-BINZ representative will be in touch.